Monday, June 30, 2008

Today In History; Harry Blackstone Junior, Magician

1934: Born in Colon, Michigan, Harry Blackstone, Jr., son of the magician known to all as The Great Blackstone, has earned his own place in magician history. Despite being the son of the famed magician, Harry Blackstone, Jr. has done more than just follow in his father's footsteps. In 1980, he presented the longest-running magic and illusion show in the history of the New York theatre. His career highlights include authoring three books, one of which is entitled The Blackstone book of Magic and Illusion , developed a line of magic kits, and performed on stage and television. One of his greatest contributions came in 1985 when he donated the original floating lightbulb used in his father's famous act, that was designed and built by Thomas Edison, to the Smithsonian Institute in Washington, D.C..

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